
Partnering for the Gospel!

Great things are often accomplished by joining small hands. Partnering is sowing and watering the seed to see a fruitful harvest for the glory of God. Partnering is you walking with us, harvesting with us, and reaching out to the corners of this nation with the message of God’s goodness and ministering with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Your every donations will not only help us reach the unreached, teach the untaught, rebuild lives and revive nations, but also help raise missionaries working in remote parts.

You can partner with us every month or with a one-time offering as the Lord leads.
We appreciate your faithful giving towards the Lord’s work.

“God loves a cheerful giver. ” 2 Cor 9:6

We will be excited to have you walk with us in this journey together, for the Lord’s kingdom.
We’re a family!