But be filled with the Spirit..”
Eph 5:18

Why is it often emphasized to be filled in the Holy Spirit?

There are some great and powerful moves that took people into the pages of History. Junctions that defined them, brought them and lite them up. It was a spontaneous, quick, instant and immediate turn!

Take Gideon; a timid and full of fear a moment ago, turned out to be the one that hoisted victory to Israel the next moment.

Saul, a shy and shunned man anointed as king in the previous chapter, and in the next, his anger kindled and he lead an army of 3lakh people to chase Ammonites unto grand Victory.

David, an inexperienced small boy went straight into the battle field, stood the ground and hit the giant that terrified Israel for days. It just took him few hours to bring to an abrupt, spectacular end that generations still speak of!

What made all these men to suddenly respond in such a way? What brought them victory? What caused them take that step, and the charge?

Read with me this:

“And the Spirit of God rushed upon Saul… and his anger was greatly kindled” (Sam 11:6)

“Then the Spirit of God will rush upon you, and you will prophesy…”
(Sam 10:6)

“but the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon, and he sounded the trumpet”
(Judges 6:16)

“And the Spirit of God rushed upon David from that day forward..”
( 1 Sam 16:13)

Notice the word “the Spirit of God rushed”?

It is at the peak junctions of a turning point, the Spirit of the Lord rushed over these men and lead them to do great exploits.

When you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, He will take you at these junctions of great challenge and give you a spectacular victory by rushing Himself over you.

So when you are filled in the Spirit, He will rush over you now and then, and will clothe you in Power and might. You will smash the enemy, walk through the fire and run the race, lift up the banner of victory, and nothing can dare stop you!

When He rushes, the force with which He will come upon you is unstoppable. Hallelujah!!

“Not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit, says the Lord”
Zech 4:6.

May the Holy Spirit rush over you today to plunge you into greater things. May you possess kingdoms, and nations, and do great exploits for God! Amen.

  • Joseph Suhas