“In the first year of Cyrus king of persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia…”Ezra 1:1
It has been years after Jeremiah prophesied the return of Judah. Pretty much happened over a period of seventy years. Jeremiah is dead and gone. A generation has passed away; curtains have changed, kings replaced, the old has gone and the prophesy of the return is probably forgotten.
While the hopes of Judah seem to be turning off; right at the appointed time, in the first year of king Cyrus, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus for the word spoken ages ago. Wait a minute! King Cyrus was no where close to being a godly man.And that didn’t matter!
Hear me, It doesn’t matter how old, how long and forgotten. The Spoken Word of God eagerly awaits for the pre-set time. It doesn’t depend on the person, pastor, prophet or any external factors. Let them all be gone but His word is alive and unchanging. It doesn’t need a timer, or a reminder. In the right appointed time it shall spring forth out of the dead and gone.
Cyrus was a heathen king, still the Lord birthed out an unusual desire of building a temple for the God of Judah. A Babylonian heathen king in reverence to the God of kingdom of Judah, a kingdom under captive? In the ordained time, God will stir up even your enemy to establish His Promises for you!
You may have had so many God’s promises for your life. You might have forgotten them. You might have ignored few in the context of your present situation. It may look utter impossible now. But let this remind you that your God is the God of Promises. He delights in keeping His promises in pinch accurate timing. Let alone everything, God will bring it to pass for you, whether you remember it or no. Out of the most unbelievable circumstances; from the most unexpected people, in a most unimaginable way He will bring it up to you! So hold on to Him. You’ve got a bunch of God’s promises for your life? He will touch everything and everyone around you to favor you, and establish you. Not one shall be missed, Not ONE!!–
–Joseph Suhas
Heaven’s Voice Of Restoration
Prayer Mobilization India.