” I will pour out My Spirit upon all Flesh ” – Joel 2 : 28
You are the vessel of His Spirit.
Heaven’s Voice of Restoration is a non-denominational ministry that is called to prepare this generation to meet the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring revival in the nations through prayers and intercessions.
HVOR is a tool in God’s hand in raising and mobilizing definitive, intentional, scriptural and effective prayers for the end time revival.

Ministering the works of the Holy Spirit in bringing revival to the spirit of man, church and nations.

Ministering the Word of God in the power of His Spirit to our minds for radical transformation.

Ministering the healing power of Jesus Christ to the hurting world through helping hands, carrying feet, and loving heart.
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Why do we need mercy when we already have grace?
We have grown so tall in grace that it is now difficult to bend for mercy. The pandemic has exposed the church to an imbalance that has cost a great price for all of us: the ignorant knowledge of the mercy of God against the extreme knowledge of the grace of God.
This book is voice for a balanced approach towards God’s most revealed attributes in the Bible – Mercy & Grace. The revelation of mercy will change your view point of God and help you grow in your relationship with God in a deeper way.
EXhortation for Intercessors!